The IHM Municipal Service Centre solution improves the municipality’s service to the public, including the older and disabled citizens. The solution also ensure effective actions against buglary and vandalism.
IHM has developed an attractive monitoring and alarmingsolution that gathers all municipal alarms across administrations and institution,s and handles the monitoring of municipal properties. The solutions creates security among citizens and employees at the municipality, and prevents damage by critical events. If desired, additional services can be added to the solution on request.
One entry to quick help
IHM’s solution ensures the safety of the municipality's employees, elderly people and disabled living at home. By only one press of an alarm, assistance is summonned to the person who feels threathned or is in need. The alarms and inquiries are all handled and coordinated by the control centre, which ensures that the relevant help e.g. emergency services, domiciliary care services, guard services, security staff and doctors will be organised quickly and efficiently. This gives the public peace of mind, and the municipality is perceived as providing a high level of service.
A high level of security and minimisation of consequential damange by vandalism, technical alarms and burglary at the municipal's properties also incentives for gathering of monitoring and alarms.
Thus, IHM Municipal Service Centre solution is a cost-effective solution that ensures greater security and increased service levels.
The solution includes:
- Assault alarms
- Emergency calls / security alarms
- Technical alarms
- Elevator alarms
- P-guard
- Terror and evacuation alarms
- Town Hall
- Citizen Service Center
- Schools and institutions
- Sports arenas
- Fire and rescue services
All incidents are logged for documentation purposes and subsequent reporting.
IHM offers a range of scalable solutions customised to your specific requirements. Our solutions include products such as IHM CAD (Communication Service), IHM AMS (Alarm Monitoring Service) and IHM GIS (Positioning).