The number of mobile phones in Danish prisons and detention centres increases year after year - and is a major problem for the Prison and Probation Service.
Illegal mobile phones are confiscated every day in Danish prisons and detention centres. This is mainly due to the risk of inmates damaging or influencing ongoing investigations. The phones can be put to many uses: to plan new crimes, influence witnesses, plan escapes or coordinate smuggling of drugs into the prison. Huge resources are poured into meeting a political requirement for zero tolerance. But putting a stop to the smuggling of illegal mobiles is an immense task for the Prison and Probation Service.
Intelligent solution localises mobile telephones
IHM solves the problem with an intelligent solution. Instead of preventing mobile phones in prisons, IHM’s solution tracks the position of the mobile and jams the signal so that it is impossible to send and receive signals within a defined area.
The jamming is 100% effective. It saves prison officers countless hours of searching for mobiles and also prevents any undesired communication. IHM offers a range of solutions, both large and small, and all can be scaled up or down according to your specific requirements. Solutions include products such as COMStop Mini, COMStop 4G, COMStop Server and COMJam.