Transmission of fixed text messages (SDS) or status messages can normally be send by using the mobile radios programmable keys or most commonly used menus.
With IHM Status Panel it is possible to transmit an SDS or a status message by pushing only one button. After having send the status message the button will remain illuminated. In this way you can quickly see the latest message send to the control centre.
Free text messages may be received, composed and sent from the Garmin GPS navigator.
The Status Panel may be programmed according to customers' needs for automatic transmission of the statusses e.g. "Depart" and "Arrive".
The IHM Status Panel buttons can be programmed with individual coloured lights, depending of the meaning/priority of the message sent. This facillity may also be used for adapting colour schemes into the car's interior.
The IHM Status Panels are delivered with 9, 10 or 4 buttons.