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Frederiksberg Parking

Frederiksberg Parking

New parking attendant solution creates stability, security and job satisfaction in the municipality of Frederiksberg. IHM was given the task to improve the GSM-based parking attendant alarm solution.

The control centre of Frederiksberg Kommune handles a variety of calls, among others alarm calls from parking attendants in the area of the municipality. Parking attendants are often an exposed group of people and consequently there is a need for a secure communication between the control centre and the individual parking attendant.

Until recently GSM-based alarm units have been used. However, it turned out that the operator on guard often was unable to locate the whereabouts of the parking attendant. When it comes to personal attack alarms, it is obviously crucial to know, where the harassed parking
attendant is located.

Today, however, things have changed. When a parking attendant activates the red alarm button on his small, new Airbus TH1n alarm radio, a free line to the control centre is opened. A free line indicates that no one can interfere or interrupt the communication going on. The GPS position of the parking attendant will be shown graphically on one of the monitors in the control centre, and the operator on guard can hear, what is going on for the next 45 seconds. On basis of this overview the operator will be able to arrange for relevant assistance in the right place.

Group communication

Another important feature, that was missing, was group communication. It occurs that either the operator on guard or the manager of the parking attendants need to give information to all parking attendants at the same time. This is possible now with the new IHM alarm solution.

"It is important to communicate with all parking attendants at the same time. It is very time saving and gives comfort among the parking attendants that they know they have been informed simultaneously", says Kim Soerensen, manager of the parking attendants.

"The parking attendants may also make group calls between each other. This improves their cooperation and efficiency", says Joergen Smedegaard, who is a parking attendant and a union representative as well.


The IHM alarm solution is based on the SINE net, which is designed for the security services and consequently the optimal net to use. The municipality of Frederiksberg is the first municipality in Denmark to use an alarm solution based on the SINE net and they have gained very good experience with their new system:
"I recommend our new alarm system to many of my colleagues and other professionals that I know. The system works very well, and gives comfort and stability", says Jørgen Smedegård, who besides being a parking attendant is also a member of the networking group of parking attendants

Facts about parking in Frederiksberg Kommune

In Frederiksberg 17 parking attendants are at work almost 24 hours a day.
Frederiksberg Kommune is one parking zone. This means that you can park for free in 2 hours on all public roads. If you want to park for more than 2 hours you have to buy a parking license or a parking ticket.

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